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And when you hear my cries

And see my loud tears

And see how hopeless and desperate I am

and when you think I have lost all love for humanity

And when you think I must subdue my hate for anyone

And when, no more, you can bear my loud tears.

Do not ask me to pray

Do not ask me to have faith

Do not come rantng about how someone has bigger plans for me

Do not tell me how I am being put to the test

Because that's how my entire life has been

Full of prayer. Full of faith. Full of tests.

And yet- whose results I am yet to see!

Do not try to justify my loud tears.

Do not beg me to do good to anyone

do not beg me to love that which I have decided to hate

Do not claim to know me better than anyone

Do not restrain me from what pleases me

Hold in thy loud tears

For I, too, have mine to bear.

Do not ask me to wipe my loud tears.

I want God to see

I want you and everyone around me to see and feel

How desperate, hopeless, weary and soulless 

They've all made me.

I want you all to see how unfairly you've treated me

I want you to see the price of my humility

I want you to see the reciprocation of my love and laughter

I want you to see what you've made me

I want you to see and you must see my LOUD TEARS!


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